University Committee Membership
Committee Member, Faculty of Science Budget Committee, TRU, 2019-20.
Committee Member, Faculty of Science Health and Safety Committee, TRU, 2019-20.
Chair Committee, Departmental Health and Safety Committee, TRU, 2019-20.
Committee Member, Departmental Curriculum Quality Assurance Committee, TRU, 2019-20.
Committee Member, Departmental Engineering Design Committee, TRU, 2019-20.
Committee Member, Departmental Recruitment and Retention Committee, TRU, 2019-20.
Distinguished Speaker
ACM Distinguished Speaker, 2019-Present.
Editorial Board Member
IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2014-Present.
IEEE Communications Magazine, 2016-Present.
IEEE Access, 2015-Present.
Guest Editor
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking: Green Communication and Computing Technologies for 6G networks, 2021.
IEEE Access: The New Era of Smart Cities: Sensors, Comm. Technologies and Applications, 2017.
IEEE Access: Future Networks: Architectures, Protocols, and Applications, 2017.
Sensors Journal: Enabling the Move from WSNs to IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems, 2016.
IEEE Access: Internet of Things (IoT) in 5G Wireless Communications, 2016.
IET Communications: The Evolution and Development of 5G Wireless Communication Systems, 2016.
Journal of Internet Technology: Research Activities in Future Internet Technologies, 2016.
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks: Adv. in Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks, 2014.
Workshop/ Special Session Co-Chair
2nd Machine Learning for Communication and Networking in IoT in conjunction with IEEE VTC, 2020.
1st Machine Learning for Communication and Networking in IoT in conjunction with IEEE SECON, 2019.
Emerging Solutions, Protocols and Technologies for Delay, Energy and Spectrum-efficient 5G/B5G Networks in conjunction with IEEE CAMAD, 2018.
Resource-efficient, reliable and secure Internet of Things in 5G era in conjunction with PIMRC, 2017.
The 3rd RAFNET workshop in conjunction with IEEE VTC Fall, 2017.
The 2rd RAFNET workshop in conjunction with IEEE VTC Spring, 2017.
Evolving Technologies for Smart Cities session in conjunction with 21st IEEE CAMAD, 2016.
The 1st RAFNET workshop in conjunction with 9th WMNC, 2016.
Advances in Vehicular Communications session in conjunction with IEEE CSNC, 2015.
The 1st Advances in Cognitive Radio Networks (ACRNs) in conjunction with 7th NGMAST, 2013.
Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member
I served as a TPC member for prestigious conferences including IEEE Globecom (2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015), IEEE INFOCOM Green and Sustainable Networking and Computing (GSNC) (2016), 31st ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) (2016), IEEE ICC (2015).
I am serving as a reviewer for many prestigious journals including the IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing; IEEE Systems Journal; IEEE Sensors Journal.
Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia, 2018-Present.
Professional Engineers Ontario, 2017-2019.
IEEE Senior Member, 2016-Present.
ACM Member, 2018-Present.
IEEE ComSoc Member, 2014-Present.
IEEE Internet of Things Community Member, 2014-Present.